
硕士项目介绍 Introduction of Post-graduate Programs

发布日期:2022-04-19    浏览次数:


开云Kaiyun应用经济学科源于1986年的工业外贸专业,2001年、2005年分获区域经济学、产业经济学硕士点,2011年获一级学科硕士点,该学科现为浙江省一流学科(B类),根据2018年软科全国学位点最新排名,本学科位列全国57名,居前25%。现有教授10人,副教授12人,海外经历20余人。其中,博导2人,教育部教指委委员1人,省政府咨询委委员1人,省有突出贡献中青年专家1人,省新世纪“151”人才重点资助1人、第一层次1人、第二、三层次4人,省教学名师、教坛新秀、之江青年学者各1人;拥有省委省政府(文创类)重点创新团队(生态经济研究)、省高校创新团队(资源环境与区域发展研究)、省科研院所创新团队(环境经济政策研究)等。主要研究方向有产业经济学、区域经济学、生态经济学、国际贸易学、金融学等,并开设国际贸易学方向全英文硕士专业。近年来,先后完成和承担了一大批重大科研项目,包括纵向项目350项,其中国家社会科学基金23项、国家自然科学基金项目18项,以及省部级课题57项,多项科研成果得到省部级领导肯定性批示或被政府部门采纳;横向科研项目192项,其中10万元以上重大横向课题60多项;发表于各种学术期刊的学术论文410余篇,其中在国际著名学术期刊和国内权威期刊《China & World Economy》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》等刊物上发表学术论文多篇,出版专著38部,主编或参编教材12部,获得省部级奖21项、厅局级奖22项。本学科在国内已有一定影响,在科学研究、人才培养和社会服务方面为浙江省乃至国家经济社会发展做出了重要贡献。近些年就业率一直高于95%,有多名员工考入985高校攻读博士学位。

Applied Economics

Applied Economics is one strong subject of Social Science subjects in Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. This subject has faculties with reasonable age structure, solid theoretical foundation, obviously comparative advantage, meticulous scholarship, Which include one of excellent talents in new century chosen by the Ministry of Education, one of the first level training talents in “151 talents project in the new century” in Zhejiang province, one of the second level and three of the third level training personnel.

There are 19 professors and researchers, 28 associate professors, 33 Ph.D. The subject has Zhejiang university Social science key researching base. The Research interests are as following: industrial economics, regional economics, ecological economics, international trade, finance, legal economics and so on. In recent years, faculties have gotten and completed a large number of important scientific research projects, including 122 vertical projects and 72 horizontal projects. In those vertical projects, there are 20 items from the National Social Science Fund & the National Science Fund, 2 items from the National Soft-science research plan projects, 46 items of the provincial & departmental level projects and many achievements are accepted by governmental departments and positively commented by the provincial & departmental level officials. And in those horizontal projects, there are 27 items over 100 thousands.

More than 300 papers are published, including those published in the international famous academic journals and domestic authoritative journals, such as <China & World Economy>, <Economic Research>, <Management World>; 25 books are published; 15 prizes with the provincial & departmental level and 22 prizes with the departmental & bureau level. This subject already has good influence in China, and has made an important contribution to the economic and social development of Zhejiang, Yangtz Delta, and even whole China by the science research, personal training, and community service.


开云Kaiyun工商管理学科历史悠久,分别于1988年举办会计学、1993年举办市场营销、2001年举办人力资源管理和2003年举办工商管理等四个本科专业,2005年取得企业管理二级学科硕士学位点,2017年取得工商管理一级学科硕士点,并开设企业管理方向全英文硕士专业。本学位点拥有一支知识、学历、学缘和专业技术职务等结构合理的教师队伍,包括教授14名,副教授22名,有国外学习经历教师近20名,浙江省新世纪151人才工程第二层次2人,第三层次2人,浙江省高校中青年学科带头人2人,浙江省之江青年学者1人,开云Kaiyun521骨干人才 3 人,博导1人。近5年,承担国家自然、国家社科等国家级项目近20项,省部级项目55 ,各类获奖10多项。在国内外学术刊物发表学术论文100多篇,其中SSCISCI期刊论文近20篇,并在创新创业研究方面形成了一定的优势和影响力。该学位点培养条件优越,人才培养质量高,近五年,毕业硕士生160多人,9篇论文被评为校优秀学位论文,7人获得省优秀毕业生称号,就业率一直高于95%,多人考入国内985高校攻读博士学位。

Corporate Management

The discipline obtained the right to grant master degree in 2005, supported by Business Administration Department, Accounting Department, Enterprise Management Institute, Human Resource Management Institute, Finance and Accounting Institute and Managerial Engineering Institute of School of Economics and Management. In this major, there is a team of teachers with sound knowledge structure and age structure, 10 of them are professors, 22 are associate professors, including 17 doctors, among which, there are 3 Zhejiang "New Century 151 Talents Project" second level trainee, and 2 Zhejiang higher education universities young and middle-aged academic leaders. In recent years, this team has undertaken and completed more than 100 vertical and horizontal scientific research projects, including National natural science foundation project, National social science foundation project and Provincial natural science fund project, Provincial philosophy social science major bidding projects, Provincial scientific and technological key projects and Provincial soft scientific research plan projects and a number of significant subjects. Besides, more than 300 scientific papers were published in core journals, and over 10 books have been published. This major was granted 4 Provincial scientific and technological progress awards, 6 Social science achievement awards, 2 Provincial teaching achievement awards, as well as several Provincial education bureau awards. This academic division has a great influence in Zhejiang Province, and has been contributing significantly to the economic and social development of Zhejiang.



Management Science and Engineering

In 2003, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University Management Science and Engineering obtained the right to confer master's degree. According to the 2018 latest ranking of the National Academic Degrees of the Shanghai University of Science and Technology, this discipline ranks 108 in the country, ranking among the top 50%. This degree site has a team of young and energetic teachers, including 4 professors, 7 associate professors, including 1 doctoral supervisor, more than 10 teachers with foreign study experience, 1 second-level training personnel of Zhejiang Province 151 Talents, Zhejiang Province Zhijiang Youth There is 1 scholar and more than 521 talents from Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. In recent years, teachers have published nearly 100 academic papers, most of which are well-known domestic and foreign journals indexed by papers, and published 18 monographs; presided over dozens of vertical projects above the provincial and ministerial level, and received 38.595 million yuan in various project funds, accounting for 40% Graduate students participate in scientific research projects. Academically active teachers in each discipline account for more than 60% of the total number of teachers. They preside over 15 national-level projects under research. In recent years, it has won more than 10 provincial and ministerial awards, including 1 first prize and 2 second prizes. In the past five years, it has held 5 international and domestic academic conferences, of which more than 50% are international conferences. Read papers or give keynote speeches more than 20 times. It has a complete domestic and foreign academic teaching exchange funding system for teachers, maintains good academic and teaching exchanges with well-known domestic and foreign universities, and can better develop and effectively utilize off-campus teaching and scientific research resources. In recent years, the employment rate has been higher than 95%, and the employment salary of students is relatively high. Many students have been admitted to 985 universities to study for doctoral degrees.
